Economic Development Committee (EDC)
About the EDC
Director - Henry Kelly • Asst Director - Randy Hunter
Secretary/Treasurer - Christina Lockhart
Board Members
Lena Smith • Randy Willard • Karen Partin • Brooks Valls • Stacy Lockhart • Linda Valls
• Download the EDC Commercial Lease Agreement Application
• Download the EDC Business Grant Incentive Application
Director - Henry Kelly • Asst Director - Randy Hunter
Secretary/Treasurer - Christina Lockhart
Board Members
Lena Smith • Randy Willard • Karen Partin • Brooks Valls • Stacy Lockhart • Linda Valls
• Download the EDC Commercial Lease Agreement Application
• Download the EDC Business Grant Incentive Application
The purpose of the Kosse Economic Development Committee (EDC) is to act as a sounding board for and make recommendations to the City of Kosse on development proposals, grant ideas, project proposals and other action items. New businesses that create diverse economic base are welcomed, while existing businesses are supported to remain strong and viable. We support small business development.
The EDC works to create a healthy, diversified economy with a stable tax base that supports good streets, public facilities and infrastructure, and will preserve and capitalizes on its natural beauty, history, and cultural diversity. We seek to improve lives, and strengthen the community.
The EDC is non-profit corporation specifically governed by the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979, Article 5190.6 S4B, and to engage in any and all activates authorized by the Texas Development Act of 1979. The Corporation shall have all of the powers enumerated in Section 23 (a) of Article 5190.6, except as limited by these By-laws, the Articles of Incorporation, or vote of the City Council.
Regular meetings are open to the public and are held at 6:00PM on the second Tuesday of each month at the Kosse Community Center.
The EDC works to create a healthy, diversified economy with a stable tax base that supports good streets, public facilities and infrastructure, and will preserve and capitalizes on its natural beauty, history, and cultural diversity. We seek to improve lives, and strengthen the community.
The EDC is non-profit corporation specifically governed by the Texas Development Corporation Act of 1979, Article 5190.6 S4B, and to engage in any and all activates authorized by the Texas Development Act of 1979. The Corporation shall have all of the powers enumerated in Section 23 (a) of Article 5190.6, except as limited by these By-laws, the Articles of Incorporation, or vote of the City Council.
Regular meetings are open to the public and are held at 6:00PM on the second Tuesday of each month at the Kosse Community Center.